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Gender differences in Covid-19 pandemic around the world

Organizzato da Italian Gender Medicine Network (Centro Studi Nazionale su Salute e Medicina di Genere in modalità on line il 6 maggio 2021.

RATIONAL. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) led to about 116 million confirmed cases causing almost 2.5 million related deaths worldwide (8th March 2021). COVID-19 is mainly characterized by a lethal severe acute respiratory syndrome, but a number of additional clinical manifestations has been described, such as severe lymphopenia and eosinopenia, extensive pneumonia, a “cytokine storm” leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome, endothelitis, thrombo-embolic complications and multiorgan failure. Moreover, a series
of long lasting symptoms have been observed in the post-COVID patients, a syndrome called Long COVID.

In the last months, research studies gained several novel insights as concerns SARS Cov-2 mechanisms of infection and spreading paralleled by studies on vaccines and specific drugs. However, a surprising scenario is now emerging from these studies: a significant difference between women and men in the lethality of this infection, higher in men, and in the post-COVID syndrome, likely higher in fertile women.
This webinar would tackle these open questions. The Italian Journal of Gender Specific Medicine ( will participate contributing to the spreading of the scientific results of the webinar. A series of lectures, specifically devoted to the dissection of this matter, will offer a deeper analysis of features and mechanisms underlying the observed sex/gender disparity in order to pull on board different scientific skills and viewpoints.


13.00-13.10 Opening remarks – Giovannella Baggio (Padua – Italy), Alexandra Kautzky-Willer (Vienna – Austria)
Introduction – Marianne J. Legato (New York – USA)

13.10-14.30 SESSION I
13.10-13.30 Epidemiology at the global level – Athena Pantazis (Maseru – Lesotho)
13.30-13.50 Epidemiology focusing on sex, gender and age Paula Rochon (Toronto – Canada)
13.50-14.10 SeXX differences in immune responses to influenza and SARS-CoV-2 viruses – Sabra L. Klein (Baltimore – USA)
14.10-14.30 Cardiovascular aspects in COVID-19 pandemic: gender differences Vera Regitz-Zagrosek (Zurich – Switzerland)

14.40-16.20 SESSION II
14.40-15.00 Clinical and radiological aspects of the lung in COVID-19: sex/gender differences Stefano Aliberti (Milan – Italy)
15.00-15.20 Metabolic problems in COVID-19 pandemic: gender differences Stefano Del Prato (Pisa – Italy)
15.20-15.40 Consideration on studying drugs and vaccines in women during the Covid 19 pandemic. The EMA Perspective – Marco Cavaleri (Amsterdam – The Netherlands)
15.40-16.00 Long COVID and gender Athena Akrami (London – United Kingdom)
16.00-16.20 Psychosocial impact of pandemic and Human Rights: gender differences – Jing Guo (Bejing – China)
16.20-16.30 Closing remarks – Teresita Mazzei (Firenze – Italy), Walter Malorni (Roma – Italy)

PARTECIPAZIONE/registration: libera- free


06 Maggio 2021
Fino al 06 Maggio 2021
Corso formativo
Dalle ore 13.00 alle ore 16.30
on line di International Society of Gender Medicine 2021

Segreteria organizzativa
OIC Meeting Solutions
via Giacomo Matteotti 7 – Firenze

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